Thursday, 27 January 2011


This is the same picture with two very different perspectives. In theory, one could be labeled "right" and the other "wrong".

It took me a minute to remember what I was doing and which view is the correct one according to the way I took the picture. So one is right side up, the other is up side down!

It made me laugh, but it also made me think about perspective and how we view life and those around us. I've decided that it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, and there really isn't a right or wrong - just a different perspective.

I met an interesting artist today who has some really fascinating ideas for a gallery showing. I won't share his ideas, as he hasn't expressed them yet, but he kept saying he wasn't sure if they were "gallery worthy". He also said something to the effect that "you have to hate what you are doing in order to keep learning". And I can relate to that.

I doubt myself and my words sometimes. There are times when I've looked at what I'm writing or what I've already written and thought, this isn't good or that sounds stupid. I've worried about how the words might be perceived, and what people might think of me as a result. It's made me hesitate about putting it out there. Listening to this very talented person express his doubts made me realize just how limiting and dangerous that kind of thinking is. It keeps us standing still and stifles our creative abilities.

It really doesn't matter what anyone thinks - either positively or negatively. What matters is the continuation of the process for process sake. It doesn't matter if someone thinks my words are ethereal and I should be wearing long flowing robes and living in an ashram (yes my mind has gone there), or living in a home for "special" people - laughing now. Some might say that's not me, or it's not how I express myself on a daily basis (or when I've had a glass or two of wine). It really doesn't matter because I've got to keep exploring me and my views on life and the world we live in. I'm on a path leading nowhere and everywhere, and if that means flowing against the tide, then so be it.

It's both amazing and frightening to me to think about how many people choose a life of mediocrity simply to feel as though they are part of a whole. To quote Albert Einstein:
"The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before."

I really need to express my thoughts in order to own them. I need to constantly remind myself that I can't be anybody but me. I don't want to be part of the majority and I don't need to "fit in". I can't think about what you might think of me or my words. I can't let the idea of positive or negative criticism slow me down. I can't write what you want to hear, or think just like you because it's safer and easier. My true gift is my uniqueness. And sharing thoughts for me is a means to living without the fear of recrimination.

The end result of any undertaking is simply the end result. It's the journey that is precious and worthy of any accolades or criticisms received along the way.
Words to Live By
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves:
'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God!
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people
won't feel insecure around you.
We are meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us, it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.”

—Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love.

Picture taken on the far side of the Capilano Suspension Bridge (Vancover, BC)
And however you see the picture - you're right!

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Letting Go

I let go and fell into a sandpit of knowledge and wisdom.
I let go and remembered something forgotten.
I let go and grew bigger, and stronger, and true.
I let go and discovered more of my soul.

It was bound to happen.
The rope I held onto had become old and frayed.
I’m quite sure it would have held me a little longer, but
I let go and released a bit more of my essence.

I’ve noted that I am still as I am.
I look as I did while I was still holding on.
You can’t see the change that has taken place, but
If you listen you may sense that all is not the same.

It’s subtle, it’s quiet, and it’s hidden from view.
It’s softer, yet stronger, more resilient and free.
It’s a force so strong one might be compelled to resist, but
It’s calmly and lovingly spreading through me.

I know that I have found more of me.
A voice that’s still timid though willing to speak.
A mind that‘s more open and willing to see.
There are ropes that still bind me, but they’re not nearly as strong,
as the rope I let go of, in order to grow.

Picture taken in the Latin Quarter (Paris, France)

Friday, 21 January 2011

Breathe Through It

Sometimes the actions of people around me confuse me. It can be perplexing to try and understand their motive and actions.

Sometimes I want to react in a manner that would harm that person. I want to react in both word and deed. Other times I’ve told myself “that’s it”; I’m done with that person.

Have you ever been so mad at someone that you’ve had fleeting thoughts of revenge? Have you ever wanted to make them pay!

It’s strange that we think that way, but sometimes it’s very satisfying – even if it’s only momentary.

Are you familiar with the song “It’s a thin line between love and hate”? He cheats, comes home in the early hour of the morning and she asks him if he’s hungry. Next thing you know, he is lying in a hospital bandaged from head to toe!

I get it! I guess for some, there is a limit, and once it’s reached, look out!

I don’t think if I could physically harm someone like that, but I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t admit to having harbored very unloving thoughts!

These days, I’m learning to breathe through it. That means not openly reacting. Instead, I’m learning to pay attention to my emotions in the situation. Our emotions can teach us a lot. I’ve realized that any sort of reaction feeds the flame. It’s also occurred to me that the stronger the reaction or thought of revenge, the more important the need for self- reflection.

Why do we react at all? Why do we want others to act in a manner that suits us? I guess that all depends on how deeply entrenched our values are. We each have a certain ethical code that causes us to react when it’s been breached. Sometimes we aren’t even aware that we held such strong feelings of “right and wrong”.

That’s the beauty of our emotions. Emotion is our spiritual self trying to speak to us. It’s trying to teach us or at least make us aware of something that has caused us to be unhappy, or angry or ready to strike out physically.

I’m learning to breathe through it. Negative energy held within is harmful to us. It causes physical reactions in our body. And, the cycle that caused the reaction in the first place continues. It can continue throughout our lifetime if we ignore our emotions.

If someone gets you that mad, imagine what would happen over time if you stopped reacting. The situation would change - it would have to. If you are no longer providing the fuel, the flame will die.

If you learn to stand still and just breathe, you might also learn that the reaction had nothing to do with the actions of another person. It’s our egos, and our sense of self-worth that we are usually trying to protect. You might even find that you actually believe the hurtful words spoken by someone else. And how harmful is that!

I’m awed by the perfection of our construction. We have everything we could possibly need within us, to live the most incredible lives. And every person we come into contact with is both teacher and student. Imagine if everyone recognized that. What a world this would be.

Instead, we react, and we ignore ourselves. And we perpetuate the negative energy. We cause grief instead of understanding.

So, I’m learning to breathe through it in order to learn and grow spiritually stronger. I’m using the god-given tools that are contained within me.

I’m never going to understand others, and I don’t think I should even be trying to. All I need to focus on is how their actions make me feel. And once I’ve made that recognition, I can release that negative energy for good. And that makes me greater in spirit. That increases my ability to teach from a different perspective.

I’m learning to breathe through it.

Picture taken at Brandywine Falls (Whistler, BC)

Thursday, 20 January 2011


This tree in all it's glory took my breath away. I felt an immediate connection to the tree, but it's taken me awhile to understand why.

I now realize that for me, this tree is life affirming.

It just IS. Everything about the tree is open and displayed. It's showing it's light! Through that light, you can almost hear it saying "this is who I am. I've got nothing to hide".

And, isn't that what we are here to do as well? It's like getting a life lesson without a word being spoken or a sound being uttered. But the lesson is there just the same. It's a whisper in the wind or a sparkle in the light, available to anyone who takes the time to listen. It's a reflection or mirror of what's written on our souls.

I love trees in general. They move without any resistance and show us how to flow with life. If you sat for a time and just watched them do their dance, you'd understand what I mean. They share the same life force as we do, but the grace that comes with acceptance of all that is, is inherit in their nature. In all of nature for that matter. There is no ego, no doubt, no fear, no striving to be, no shame or guilt. There is just existence in a natural state of grace.

Our goal is to find that peace within and conduct our selves from that state of being. Not so easy when you've got an ego to contend with, placing labels and limits on our being. We strive to be this or that, always with the aim to be the best, the biggest, the richest, the prettiest, and on and on. We get so focused on our goals that we limit our abilities to be so much more than what we think we ought to be.

I'm taking a lesson from this tree, and removing the labels I've placed on myself. My focus moving forward is learning to just be.

My Affirmation: I AM

I am everything, and I am nothing.
I am Sandra, Sandy, Sand, Sam and Sis.
I am a child, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a friend.
I am strong and weak, happy and sad, silly and serious.
I am brilliant and ignorant, focused and oblivious.
I am a warrior, a victim, a leader and a servant.
I am independent and powerful, dependent and powerless.
I am soft and feminine, hard and masculine.
I am resilient, breakable, flexible and rigid.
I am adventurous and scared, popular and lonely.
I am divine in nature, and evil in intent.
I am a mother without a child, yet I nurture.
I am a wife without a husband, yet I love.
I am a lover without a partner, yet I feel.
I am an artist without a canvas, yet I paint a picture.
I am a photographer without a camera, yet I capture with my eyes.
I am a musician without an instrument, yet I still play.
I am a writer without a story, yet I tell one everyday.
I am a doctor without a degree, yet I can heal with words and touch.
I am a leader without a following, yet I reign over my domain.
I am you and you are me. We are one.
I am here because of you.
I am here in spite of you.
I am here at your request and you are here at mine.
I am whatever you want me to be.
I fulfill a need for you and you fulfill a need for me.
My emotions are a reflection of you.
Your emotions are a reflection of me.
It matters not where we are in time and space or whether we’ve even met.
We still have an influence on one another.
Every decision I make impacts you and every decision you make impacts me.

I am responsible for you and you are responsible for me.
We are nothing without each other.

The whole idea of being anything makes no sense because we are everything. It is our birthright - our reason for being.

So if I am and you are – how are we any different? How can you be this and me that?

The same light that gives me life gives you life as well. It’s that light that makes us one. It’s the same no matter what I am. It has no name, no identity, no ambition and no motive.

It just is and I just am.

Call me what you like, tell me who I am, it changes nothing. I will continue to be everything and nothing.

Picture taken in Washington Park, Portland Japanese Garden (Portland, Oregon)

Monday, 17 January 2011

Moving Forward

Whether we are aware or not, whether we feel like we are going in circles, taking a step back, or even standing still, we are always moving forward.

For those that are completely unaware, life is leading them into situations, which are meant to ignite their awareness.

For those with any level of awareness, every step, in any directions, is still moving them forward. It doesn’t matter if that step feels like a misstep or a repeat. It doesn’t matter if we end up back at square one, we still moved forward.

It’s never obvious in the moment, it’s only in retrospection, that forward movement becomes apparent.

That’s where words like faith and trust come into play.

Sometimes it’s really hard to believe that we are making progress of any kind. It can be really frustrating and that’s when many of us “give up”. But, that frustration is an opportunity, which if taken, moves us forward.

The universe needs our participation in order to do what it does. It requires faith and trust in the unknown, the unseen, the blankness. We just need to know and trust that we are always moving towards something bigger and better than what we are leaving behind. There is always activity going on behind the invisible curtain, and it’s meant to propel us forward. To help us attain whatever it is we wish to attain.

There isn’t a need for us to figure it all out, to control it all. In fact, the act of trying to control it all, contributes to those missteps. Worrying about it generates delays. And, if we want it to look exactly how we want it to look, we limit the universe.

There is much we may never understand, but there are always guides put on our path to keep us moving.

When we are faced with a situation that isn’t what we wanted, that’s when we need to remember that although it isn’t what “we” wanted, it’s what the universe requires of us in order to put us in a place or situation that will bring what we were hoping for. It’s still a move in the “right” direction.

There are many twists, turns and bends in the road of life. So if we end up in a place that we’ve already been, there’s a reason, and we’ve still moved forward. With awareness, we have reached the next plateau.

Faith and trust will get us there. Knowing that, we can enjoy all the steps along the way. We can enjoy what has been given to us knowing that it’s as it should be.

We are always moving forward. How far and how fast depends on our knowing and acceptance of this.

Picture taken at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden (Vancouver, BC)